May 12, 2022 2023-07-20 15:17News
How Red Button Gave Me My Independence Back: A Customer’s Perspective
A telecare device can have a huge positive impact on you and your loved one’s life. We have installed over half a million personal alarm packages and have seen first-hand the reassurance and peace of mind they bring to many families throughout the UK.
How to avoid a trip or fall this Winter
With winter fast approaching, the temperatures continue to take a downward spiral, and physical hazards start to increase. Poor weather conditions, such as heavy rain, ice and snow, increase the likelihood of falls and injuries (UKHSA).
Retiring to the Countryside
Retiring to the countryside is a dream many people have. In fact, research undertaken with 500 over-55s by The Rural Media Company as part of the “Over The Hill” campaign showed that 57% found the idea of moving to a rural area appealing.
How Red Button Helped My Grandfather – A Customer’s Story
At Red Button, we love what we do, and we take great pride in being able to provide help and support to those who need it most. Our telecare devices and 24/7 monitoring centre team not only help those who are most at risk but also provide reassurance and peace of mind to friends and families of those who are more vulnerable.
The important role of grandparents in your family
We probably don’t even realise how much we really rely on our elderly parents as we age and the important role they play in our lives as well as our children’s lives as grandparents.
Top Places to Staycation this Summer for Seniors
Ofcom’s recent Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes survey reports that 73% of those over-65s are now using the internet at home…
The Best Websites and Apps for Seniors
Ofcom’s recent Adults’ Media Use and Attitudes survey reports that 73% of those over-65s are now using the internet at home…
Telecare: Cost-effective elderly care in this current climate
Elderly care home costs can be very expensive, and although, in certain situations, there is help from local councils and the government, the process can be difficult to understand and navigate.
Low impact sports to stay active
As we mature, it is no secret that motivating ourselves to keep active and energise our bodies is harder. Activities for older people are more challenging, and our confidence has dropped. However, keeping up with some exercise is essential for our overall wellbeing.
Knowing when your loved one has had a fall
Falls are common, but they can result in injury, and they are often overlooked. Whilst anyone can have a fall, older people might be more at risk due to poor health, reduced mobility or a long-term condition.
5 Benefits of Elderly Alarms and Detectors
Personal alarms or elderly alarms are small wearable pendants or devices that an older person can use to get help if they have a fall, feel unwell or unsafe, or have an emergency.
How does a Lifeline Pendant work?
It is widely accepted that Technology Enabled Care Systems (TECS) are an essential part of social care and are constantly evolving to better suit our, and our loved one’s needs.
5 Tips on how to choose the right elderly alarm package
After you have had a conversation with your loved one about care solutions and it was decided that an elderly alarm package is the best option for everyone involved, it’s time to choose the right one.