May 12, 2022 2023-07-20 15:17News

How To Use Technology To Stay Connected As We Age: Social Media, Smartwatch & Smartphones
Staying connected is incredibly important, particularly as we age. As we get older, we may feel lonely, isolated, or have reduced mobility, so maintaining social interaction with the outside world is crucial; technology is a great way to do that.

Online Scams Targeting The Elderly
Online scams can happen to anyone. New research commissioned by Ofcom reveals that 9 in 10 UK adults have encountered content they suspected to be a scam or fraud.

The UK Digital Switchover completion date is now 2027
If you are aware of the digital switchover, you may have heard it has been postponed. It was set to be completed at the end of 2025; however, the deadline has been pushed back 13 months to 31 January 2027. Why?

Top Smart Technology For Your Home
As technology advances quickly, we see more and more innovative technology being introduced to the home.

How To Prevent Hospital Admissions And Stay Well This Winter
As we head into the depths of winter, we must care for ourselves even more. According to Age UK, our immune systems can weaken as we age, making fighting illnesses more difficult.

Tips on how to maintain muscle strength as you age
As we age, our health naturally declines. One of the key things that most people notice as they age is their muscle strength declining.

Insomnia as you age
Sleeping problems as you age are not uncommon; our internal circadian clocks and sleep-wake cycles can change as we age, affecting the duration and quality of our sleep.

Anxiety in the elderly – How to spot it?
Anxiety disorders in older adults are relatively common and are actually found more often than depression and cognitive disorders in older adults. However, it often goes undiagnosed.

Early Signs That Your Parents or Grandparents Have Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive condition, which means that the symptoms develop gradually over many years and eventually become more severe. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia.

Seasonal Allergies and Hayfever in Seniors
That’s right, as we age, our immune systems weaken, which reduces our ability to fight off allergies such as hay fever or dust allergies. This may lead to the elderly being more susceptible to seasonal allergies.

Living with Arthritis
According to, around 10 million people in the UK live with arthritis. That is an incredible amount of people living with joint pain every day, and there are even different types of arthritis affecting ⅙ of our population.

Spring 2024 Gardening Tips for Seniors
Gardening is a fantastic hobby for those who are retired or elderly. Gardening helps to get you outdoors, keeps you active, and is a relaxing, enjoyable pastime.

How To Eat Healthy As You Age
According to Age UK, It’s estimated that around one in ten people over the age of 65 are malnourished or are at risk of malnutrition – that’s over one million older people in the UK today. Malnutrition means someone isn’t eating well enough to maintain their health and wellbeing.